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Lost Skate  Ice Hockey Stadium

First reportSeptember 8 2019
by Urbex Timo
Latest reportJune 11 2022
by Edith

Lost Skate
by tomvandutch on March 19 2021 15:58 hr CE(S)T   Shortlink to this report: [ https://urbx.be/zzzp ]

Finding out the location
  very easy
  very safe
Risk of being seen
General condition of the place
Traces of vandalism
Good place for taking pictures?
  very good
Did you see other people?
  none or very few

Visit date    February 12 2018 at 16 hr
Visit duration    1 hour

Eine ehemalige Eishalle die noch ein kleines Fitnessstudio und einen Barbereich beinhaltet.

  Text and photos are by tomvandutch. Click here to see tomvandutch's profile and other reports.

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More reports on Lost Skate

Lost Skate
by Edith on June 11 2022 09:38 hr CE(S)T    Shortlink to this report: [ https://urbx.be/pcfj ]

Finding out the location
Risk of being seen
  very high
General condition of the place
  very bad
Traces of vandalism
  very many
Good place for taking pictures?
Did you see other people?
  none or very few

Visit date   April 9 2022 at 18 hr
Visit duration   1 hour

Het is een grote bouwput om de hal heen. Dus pas savonds of in het weekend te doen.
Je moet dus flink over het bouwterrein lopen. We hadden het bijna opgeven toen er toch een gat in de muur bleek te zijn waar je doorheen kon. Heel blij waren we.
Binnen is het één grote bende dat wel. Ook wel jammer. Je moet dus wel om de details zoeken. En het is er behoorlijk donker.
Maar al met al ben ik toch tevreden en blij dat we erin konden komen.

  Text and photos are by Edith. Click here to see Edith's profile and other reports.

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Lost Skate
by ADEXPLORE on June 28 2021 18:58 hr CE(S)T    Shortlink to this report: [ https://urbx.be/ekme ]

Finding out the location
  very easy
Risk of being seen
General condition of the place
Traces of vandalism
Good place for taking pictures?
Did you see other people?
  none or very few

Visit date   February 7 2021 at 10 hr
Visit duration   3 hours

Lost Skate,

Un endroit que l’on n’imaginerait pas pouvoir explorer en Belgique et pourtant, je vous emmène dans cette expédition qui s’est passée un jour de Février 2021 quelques mois avant que celui-ci prenne feu.

Nous sortions à peine de notre premier spot de la journée que nous repartions directement pour le second. Équipés de nos bonnets, gants et polaires, nous arrivons enfin à destination, prêts à affronter le froid glaciale de cette journée d’hiver.

Face à cette imposante bâtisse, nous étions minuscules. Nous avions l’information pour l’accès mais celui-ci paraît assez délicat. Nous nous dirigeons vers lui et effectivement, nous remarquons très vite qu’il nous sera impossible d’escalader le premier étage à l’aide des dispositifs mis en place à cause la pluie qui rend les appuis très glissants.

Après avoir fait tout le tour de cet immense bâtiment, nous trouvons un petit trou entre quelques blocs de bétons.
En nous faufilant difficilement, nous arrivons enfin dans le grand hall d’accueil. Tout de blanc vêtue, cette pièce brillait de mille feux, nous proposant devant nous deux escaliers qui se faisaient face. Entre eux, un imposant anneau blanc était suspendu au plafond.
Deux choix s’offraient à nous pour la suite de l’exploration, soit prendre les escaliers, soit rentrer directement dans la pièce maîtresse. Nous avons alors choisi la deuxième proposition en poussant cette lourde porte qui débouche sur une grande patinoire plongée dans l’obscurité. Évidemment, la glace ne s’y trouve plus mais nous pouvons encore retrouver quelques patins ainsi que les buts. Au fond de cette gigantesque pièce, cachée, rangée et recouverte de poussière, la surfaceuse patientait (la machine qui polit la glace).
Le plafond n’était clairement pas en bon état, des éléments étaient déjà tombés au sol dû aux infiltrations d’eau et certains menaçaient encore de tomber.

Après avoir fait quelques photos, nous nous dirigeons vers le couloir orange parallèle à la patinoire, là où se trouvent les vestiaires aux couleurs du club, rouge, bleu et blanc.
Cachée au fond des toilettes, une montagne de patins reposait.
À la fin de ce couloir, nous découvrons une nouvelle pièce, celle-ci était destinée au club de box où de grandes fresques murales décorent les lieux.

Dans la suite de notre exploration, nous nous dirigeons vers les escaliers qui nous mèneront aux gradins, où une centaine de sièges sont encore présents. De là-haut, nous avons une vue d’ensemble sur toute la piste, c’était assez impressionnant. Il restait encore un petit morceau du tissu qui devait servir aux projections lors des matchs.
Avant de redescendre dans le hall, nous avons rapidement été sur le toit, où nous étions malheureusement trop visibles.

Une fois de retour dans le hall, j’aperçois derrière un tas d’ordures, un petit escalier vers lequel nous nous empressons de nous diriger. Après avoir enjambé, 2 rats et des dizaines de canettes, nous montons doucement l’escalier en bois qui tremblaient chaque fois que l’on faisait un pas. Quelques mètres plus haut, nous découvrons un camping sauvage où trois tentes, une table et un réchaud formaient le squat. Nous avons alors pris la poudre d’escampette peur de déranger les individus.

Après s’être de nouveau pliés en 4 pour passer dans le trou, nous nous dirigeons vers une fin d’exploration stressante.

[1] https://www.instagram.com/adexplore__/

[2] https://www.facebook.com/ADExploree

  Text and photos are by ADEXPLORE. Click here to see ADEXPLORE's profile and other reports.

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Little Climbing
by suburbX on April 11 2021 18:12 hr CE(S)T    Shortlink to this report: [ https://urbx.be/vwgb ]

Finding out the location
  very easy
  very hard
Risk of being seen
General condition of the place
  very bad
Traces of vandalism
  very many
Good place for taking pictures?
Did you see other people?

Visit date   January 31 2021 at 13 hr
Visit duration   2 hours

An epic place, very hard to get in. After having walked around the building 3 times, having checked all the boards and holes in the ground, the only entrance was up. When climbing in 3 other guys were climbing out, guiding me the 'easiest' way in. It was doable but i was more afraid of getting out again.

I spent a lot of time taking very little pictures and lining up my camera over and over, because it is pitch black in there. A good Floodlight and some light painting skills are very useful in here. After running around the track and the stages, i went down to the basement. The city (and some of its employees) uses it for storage of replaced machinery (and a caravan).

All by all a fun experience, the tipped over caravan, the canoe, the ice-flattening-machine,.. Some nice surprises. I like this place, because once in you have no risk of getting caught. It is very humid in here, so after a while it's getting hard to breathe.

  Text and photos are by suburbX. Click here to see suburbX's profile and other reports.

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Lost Skate
by Bigredvanka on March 20 2021 19:17 hr CE(S)T    Shortlink to this report: [ https://urbx.be/phbt ]

Finding out the location
Risk of being seen
General condition of the place
Traces of vandalism
  very many
Good place for taking pictures?
  very good
Did you see other people?

Visit date   March 14 2021 at 14 hr
Visit duration   2 hours

Verry nice spot to visit
Not to hard to find
And what an incredible vieuws 😀

  Text and photos are by Bigredvanka. Click here to see Bigredvanka's profile and other reports.

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Lost Skate
by Tubbieontheroad on March 18 2021 21:47 hr CE(S)T    Shortlink to this report: [ https://urbx.be/bppx ]

Finding out the location
Risk of being seen
General condition of the place
  very bad
Traces of vandalism
  very many
Good place for taking pictures?
Did you see other people?
  none or very few

Visit date   February 25 2021 at 14 hr
Visit duration   2 hours

It's a good climb to get in.

Once you entered you will see this place it a rat hole and trashed like nothing else...

When we walked outside we saw some rats scatter into the lost skate.

Inside it's a bit dark because everything has been sealed.

Some places are still nice to see, like the skates in the locker rooms and such.
The little truck to clean the ice was there still.

In my opinion it's a cool place to see, but a shame of the trash everywhere...

  Text and photos are by Tubbieontheroad. Click here to see Tubbieontheroad's profile and other reports.

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Lost skate
by The_dora_explorers on February 9 2021 10:26 hr CE(S)T    Shortlink to this report: [ https://urbx.be/exdh ]

Finding out the location
  very easy
  very easy
Risk of being seen
General condition of the place
Traces of vandalism
Good place for taking pictures?
Did you see other people?
  none or very few

Visit date   December 27 2020 at 2 hr
Visit duration   1 hour

Verlaten ijsbaan , er liggen nog een hoop schaatsen ⛸!
Heel leuk om foto’s te maken en makkelijk binnenkomen.
Toch is het jammer van de locatie , ze hadden er veel moois van kunnen maken!

  Text and photos are by The_dora_explorers. Click here to see The_dora_explorers's profile and other reports.

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Lost Skate
by belgianurbexer on December 1 2020 19:24 hr CE(S)T    Shortlink to this report: [ https://urbx.be/rrhh ]

Finding out the location
  very easy
Risk of being seen
General condition of the place
Traces of vandalism
  very many
Good place for taking pictures?
  very bad
Did you see other people?

Visit date   November 28 2020 at 9 hr
Visit duration   < 1 hour

Een naam die toch wel al weggeeft wat de locatie is, het is een verlaten ijshockey piste die vroeger gebruikt werd door een wereldberoemd ijshockey team. Ik kan me wel inbeelden dat dit vroeger een mooie locatie moet geweest zijn. Nu ligt het er maar rommelig bij, ook zie je duidelijk sporen van daklozen. Ook hangt er een hele vreemde geur in het gebouw.

Ik had alleszins geen goed gevoel bij deze locatie, ik voelde mij enorm opgesloten. Dit komt omdat het volledig dichtgemaakt is. Ook voelde ik me niet veilig omdat ik niet genoeg zag. Ook al had ik een zaklamp op zak, het was een enge locatie om te doen.

Deze locatie vond ik ook niet meer de moeite door al het vandalisme, ook geen toplocatie om foto's te maken. Dit komt omdat het zo donker is.

Toen ik terplekke was hoorde ik heel veel lawaai, alsof jongeren dingen aan het vernielen waren. Dit zal wel het geval geweest zijn. We waren sowieso niet alleen.

Ik hoop oprecht dat ze ooit nog iets zullen doen met het gebouw, nu staat het daar maar te verkommeren. Het gebouw op zich heeft veel potentie. Zonde dat dit al zolang verlaten is.

  Text and photos are by belgianurbexer. Click here to see belgianurbexer's profile and other reports.

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Lost skate
by Bradley UrbexZ on November 22 2020 13:56 hr CE(S)T    Shortlink to this report: [ https://urbx.be/fsbj ]

Finding out the location
Risk of being seen
General condition of the place
Traces of vandalism
Good place for taking pictures?
Did you see other people?
  none or very few

Visit date   February 22 2020 at 18 hr
Visit duration   2 hours

Lost skate

An abandoned ice skating rink in belgium.

It was hard to get in, we had to climb up to the roof, we climbed trough a window and we were inside!

Almost everything was trashed...and it was dark.. not great for pictures..

Still made a few decent pictures,

[1] https://youtu.be/uXHVvaOUKPg

  Text and photos are by Bradley UrbexZ. Click here to see Bradley UrbexZ's profile and other reports.

    Send a message to Bradley UrbexZ

Lost skate
by Urbex_with_nessaa on October 20 2020 01:08 hr CE(S)T    Shortlink to this report: [ https://urbx.be/ehxt ]

Finding out the location
  very easy
Risk of being seen
General condition of the place
Traces of vandalism
  very many
Good place for taking pictures?
Did you see other people?
  none or very few

Visit date   July 11 2020 at 17 hr
Visit duration   1 hour

large ice hockey rink with a boxing gym and a cafe.

garbage and clothes are all over the place in this location.
Also there was a fire in the café.

there are also a lot of pigeons so keep in mind that you bring a mask.

  Text and photos are by Urbex_with_nessaa. Click here to see Urbex_with_nessaa's profile and other reports.

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Lost Skate, an abandoned hockey arena
by rowan.vs on March 19 2020 16:38 hr CE(S)T    Shortlink to this report: [ https://urbx.be/mmym ]

Finding out the location
  very easy
Risk of being seen
General condition of the place
Traces of vandalism
Good place for taking pictures?
Did you see other people?

Visit date   September 30 2019 at 12 hr
Visit duration   2 hours

What you see here is an abandoned ice rink somewhere in Belgium. It opened in the late 1930s as the home stadium for multiple Belgian ice hockey teams.

[1] https://www.rowanvanschaijck.nl/post/los...

[2] https://www.instagram.com/rowan.vs/

  Text and photos are by rowan.vs. Click here to see rowan.vs's profile and other reports.

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lost skate
by Limbo on February 4 2020 11:18 hr CE(S)T    Shortlink to this report: [ https://urbx.be/pypp ]

Finding out the location
  very easy
  very easy
Risk of being seen
General condition of the place
Traces of vandalism
Good place for taking pictures?
Did you see other people?

Visit date   October 10 2019 at 10 hr
Visit duration   2 hours

There is a lot of trash and garbage left behind inside the building. The building is an architectural beauty ( although in my opinion ).
Shame to see the building left behind like this, it deserves to be restaured

[1] https://www.instagram.com/harrievaessen

  Text and photos are by Limbo. Click here to see Limbo's profile and other reports.

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by Gootje on January 15 2020 11:44 hr CE(S)T    Shortlink to this report: [ https://urbx.be/kxaz ]

Finding out the location
Risk of being seen
General condition of the place
Traces of vandalism
  very many
Good place for taking pictures?
Did you see other people?

Visit date   October 10 2019 at 10 hr
Visit duration   2 hours

Nice place

  Text and photos are by Gootje. Click here to see Gootje's profile and other reports.

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Lost Skate
by JasonJanssenPhotography on October 29 2019 14:19 hr CE(S)T    Shortlink to this report: [ https://urbx.be/ckpc ]

Finding out the location
Risk of being seen
General condition of the place
Traces of vandalism
Good place for taking pictures?
Did you see other people?
  none or very few

Visit date   October 12 2019 at 11 hr
Visit duration   1 hour

Lost Skate

12 oktober 2019,

Zoals de naam al doet vermoeden dit was vroeger een ijshockeybaan. Deze werd verlaten achtergelaten nadat de lokale ijshockeyclub verhuisde naar een andere locatie.
Jammer genoeg is deze locatie al volledig getrashed.

- Jason Janssen Photography -

[1] https://www.facebook.com/Jason-Janssen-P...

  Text and photos are by JasonJanssenPhotography. Click here to see JasonJanssenPhotography's profile and other reports.

    Send a message to JasonJanssenPhotography

Lost Skate
by Urbex Timo on September 8 2019 11:43 hr CE(S)T    Shortlink to this report: [ https://urbx.be/vnzj ]

Finding out the location
Risk of being seen
General condition of the place
Traces of vandalism
Good place for taking pictures?
Did you see other people?

Visit date   September 7 2019 at 16 hr
Visit duration   1 hour

So a big hall fort juste Iceskate

  Text and photos are by Urbex Timo. Click here to see Urbex Timo's profile and other reports.

    Send a message to Urbex Timo